Stanford Impostor
Yet another Korean American has made headlines.
A young woman from my neck of woods faked her way through Stanford masquerading as a student for eight months before her ruse eventually unraveled.
Not only did she manage to fool her parents and high school friends back home into thinking that she matriculated at one of the world's most elite universities, but she also tricked her way into a dorm and lived with a couple of roommates who believed her story and allowed her to squat in their room for months.
I was set out to write a long philosophical essay about overbearing Asian parental pressures which I am sure contributed to this woman's sad life of deception she felt she had to concoct to appease her parents.
Forget it. A three day weekend is upon us, and now is the time for the immature and shallow.
Here is the best part of the story:
Still, Kim had neither a Stanford ID nor a key, forcing her to sneak into meals and enter her room through its window..... Zhou (impostor's roommate) never noticed, as she spent nearly all her nights in her boyfriend’s room.
Speaking of strict Asian parents: Miss Amy Zhou, you are so busted.