Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Big Typos

Typo I:

This email from a customer who uses one of the web applications I built and support. It has been edited to protect her identity and also proprietary information
To: David Cho
From: [Name withheld]

The problem is all over. I cannot save anything. It won't save to the database. Please help.

My response
Nice try.

I mean to type, NOW try.

Typo II:

Writing emails before having a cup of coffee is a bad idea. Here is why.

I am running late because of a mental emergency. Should be in shortly after lunch.

It was a DENTAL emergency, not mental.

This typo does seem aptly timed to reflect the kind of month I've had. Freud would have been proud. Hopefully this weekend will allow for some breathing room to catch up with sleep and also update the blog.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Genuinely nice things said to you

I was fired from my very first job out of college after just 6 months. That is a story in and of itself, which I may blog about.

As I made my way out the door, struggling to maintain balance with a box full of belongings, Linda who was the company's secretary came to hold the door for me.

She then gave me a warm hug, and after sharing a brief moment together, said, "I am not going to wish you good luck."


"You are a good person, David. And good people do not need good luck."

What are some really nice things people have said to you? I am not talking about canned and tired cliches people like to spit out just to do their part to sound nice. What Linda said to the kid dispirited from having blown his first gig in the professional world was original and genuinely nice, and it still brings a smile to my face nearly two decades later.


So a few months later, I decided to use the line with slight modifications tailored to a different situation.

It was this really hot girl's birthday.

"I am not going to wish you a happy birthday because happy people don't need happy birthdays."

Ummm.. it spectacularly bombed and a painful lesson was learned. The moral of the story? When people say nice things to you, just treasure and share them with others. Don't try to recycle them.