Saturday, May 28, 2005

Remembering the Forgotten

While veterans from World War II, Vietnam, and now the Iraqi War deservedly receive honor and remembrance from a grateful nation, often forgotten and neglected are those who faught and gave their lives in the Korean War (1950-1953).

36,940 Americans died, and nearly 100,000 came back with permanent injuries. There are still 8,176 MIAs. Even though the numbers are staggering, the war has been dubbed "The Forgotten War," because it is rarely talked about while other wars in recent history dominate the nation's collective memory.

I for one will forever be grateful to those who faught and gave their lives in the bloody conflict. While Communism has faded into very well deserved oblivion in most of the world, North Korea still remains one of the last holdouts of Stalinism and hell on earth by all accounts. It serves as a reminder of what my own life would have been like had it not been for the brave men who paid the ultimate price.

My country, ’tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims’ pride,
From every mountainside,
Let freedom ring!

Korean War Memorial, Washington, D.C., dedicated July 27, 1995
forty two years after the cessation of hostilities.


At May 29, 2005 8:28 AM, Blogger Jeje said...

Thank you for your post commemorating the lives of those who fought in the Korean War. My grandfather joined the Air Force in 1951 and worked on radio communications during the Korean War. He sacrificed some things in his life that he very much wanted to do in order to serve his country. I'm extremely grateful for him and others who gave up even more for the country that I love.

At May 30, 2005 2:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

As a Canadian, I am thankful for the United States and it's strong stance on resisting the spread of regimes that have very little to do with the best interest of the common man. This year, as you remember the sacrifice of many, know that many Canadians mark the day as well.

God bless you all.

As a Canadian, I am also embarrased by my governments weak initiatives in the military.
We always play Peacekeeper. Clean-up Engineer. Rebuilder. Under-funded.

This is in no way a slam against those brave people in our armed forces. I respect them for their sacrifice when called upon. I think of them often.

But, we are Canadian. Home of Hockey Night in Canada. We are Canadian and our team always plays defense. Our last Coach Cretien said so before. Our new Coach Martin is singing the same old song. He tried to tell your Coach Bush that he was going to start switching to offense but got cold feet... Defense is safer. Especially when someone else will always be there to play offense...

At June 01, 2005 1:06 PM, Blogger American Girl said...

I was raised in a military family. My mother served our country for 20 years in the United States Army. I am so proud to be an American because this country is truly one of the greatest. We are blessed with so many freedoms thanks to the men and women who have fought for us to be able to maintain that freedom by fighting our enemies.

At June 27, 2005 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son's paternal grandfather fought in that war. It was an honor when at age 13 he was chosen by the civil air patrol to perform (he played drums) at that memorial during an anniversary of the war. He performed in front of Diplomats from Korea as well as American leaders. It is not a war forgotten in our home, Jane (from spiritual abuse....)


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